Happy New Year!
Can you believe that another year is behind us?
At Optimal Health Medical Fitness in Naperville, it feels like the year went by in the blink of an eye! With the new year comes new goals and resolutions, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
In today’s post, we’re going to share a few tips to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions. If you’re looking for dedicated help from a knowledgeable professional, be sure to get in touch with our personal trainers and we’ll help you make 2020 your healthiest year yet!
Sticking to Your New Year’s Goals
Think Big, But Start Small 
Lofty goals are much more exciting and compelling than small, easily achievable goals. However, psychological studies show that we’re much more likely to give up on our goals when we feel like they’re unattainable.
Maybe you started the year hoping to lose a certain amount of weight, or perhaps you’d like to train for a marathon later in the year. Thinking about lofty goals before you go to bed is one thing, but actually lacing up your running shoes and heading out is another — and it’s also why most people fail to follow through on their resolutions by February.
We’re not saying that there’s anything wrong with setting your sights high, but we recommend breaking an ambitious goal into smaller goals that are easier to achieve. So, instead of setting one goal to run a marathon by September, make it your goal to train consistently for an entire month. The rest will come with time!
Get Others Involved
We’re much more likely to follow through on our commitments when we involve others. Think about the last time you skipped a workout or had a cheat day — did you talk yourself into it? It’s easy to make excuses and talk yourself out of exercising or eating well, especially if you’ve had a long day at the office. Whether it’s contacting a personal trainer or a friend with similar goals, you’ll find that it’s much harder to give up when you have someone else who’s counting on you to show up.
Check In
There’s no point in setting goals if you don’t follow up on them. There’s no one-size-fits-all interval about when to check in on your goals, but evaluating where you’re at every month is a good place to start. What’s working well? What could be improved? Taking just a few minutes out of your day every month can help you figure out whether you’re on track, ahead of pace, or behind schedule.
If your goals are fitness related, then we highly suggest working with a personal trainer! At Optimal Health Medical Fitness, we help our clients monitor their progress and take the guesswork out of getting fit.
Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself
No matter what happens in 2020, remember that perfection is an unattainable goal. You’re going to have cheat days and missed workouts, and that’s perfectly fine. In the long run, a cheat day here and there won’t matter if you’re making progress month over month. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a misstep — making yourself feel like a failure is the first step on the path to giving up completely.
Speak With a Personal Trainer in Naperville
We hope that today’s post will help you set and exceed your every expectation in 2020.
The personal trainers at Optimal Health Medical Fitness are here to help you with all of your health and wellness goals this year, so please get in touch with us if you’re ready to make 2020 your healthiest year yet!