As we age, it’s natural for our bodies to begin to decline. Wrinkles appear and they get deeper, and our skin begins to lose its elasticity while our bone density declines. Our bodies undergo a lifetime of change and at some point it just simply ages.

As a senior, doing everyday tasks such as going down the stairs or lifting and moving a plant can mean the difference between health and injury, so we’re looking for new options in regenerative therapy to help prevent injuries. There are many regenerative modalities to consider, and today we’ll focus on chiropractic care. Chiropractic treatment may seem less intuitive as we age because it’s a manual manipulation of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Having a chiropractic adjustment as a senior may cause a concern because of the pressure and force that is applied and the risk of injury. Throughout this article we’ll explore the benefits of chiropractic care for seniors.

Chiropractic Care For Seniors

In the US, it is estimated that five percent of the senior population uses chiropractic care as a modality to improve their health. It is very typical for seniors to endure health concerns such as arthritis, chronic inflammation, and back and neck pain, so chiropractic treatment is a protocol that will help address these issues.

In the health and wellness space, there is still a great bias and misunderstanding that chiropractic care can only treat specific populations, particularly seniors. The barrier can be difficult to get past because everyone has an opinion on the “right” course of action in terms of senior health care. Keep in mind that most chiropractors have extensive knowledge of the contraindications that exist and most are more than happy to refer out to a different specialty if one is needed.

Education and information around chiropractic care is the best way to navigate this healthcare modality.

Are There Special Considerations For Seniors?

Finding a medical professional who you trust is always the most important piece to health and wellness. In a chiropractic treatment, a chiropractor has many different techniques in the manner they treat you. For example, they may implement the force and pressure applied that ranges from high-velocity, low-amplitude to low-momentum, low-volume manual manipulation. There are also varying tables they can use, in addition to different instruments. All of these considerations can be taken to ensure there are no additional injuries resulting from the actual chiropractic adjustment itself.

From the Manipulative Physiological Therapy textbook for chiropractors, it states a couple additional considerations for treating seniors with manual (chiropractic adjustments) procedures.

  • Modify the amount of force needed based on the patient’s comprehensive medical history and physical examination.
  • A contradiction occurs when high-force techniques are implemented if the patient has osteoporosis or bone density issues.
  • A senior’s comfort is always the first priority.

How Chiropractic Care Can Benefit Seniors

Chiropractic care supports seniors’ health and wellness largely by aligning neuromusculoskeletal structures back into its natural alignment. So, if you are suffering from neck and back pain, nerve impingements, loss of range of motion, decreased coordination and balance, or chronic inflammation — chiropractic care can be greatly beneficial.

An important note to consider when you’re dealing with neuromusculoskeletal neck and back pain and soft tissues concerns is the first line of action for treatment in conventional medicine are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and there is little in their effectiveness. They can often cause gastric ulcers and other heart-related issues. Likewise, muscle relaxants are a concern in seniors because of the increased risk of falling. Narcotics are also incorporated for pain management in seniors despite their well-observed risk of abuse. A study found that 45 percent of patients with back pain took a narcotic for pain relief, but were less likely to use it after a chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractic Care May Be An Option Before Surgery

Because chiropractic treatments are non-invasive it may be a great option for seniors to explore before considering more invasive procedures. Chiropractic treatments help treat the neuromusculoskeletal health issues and require less downtime and quicker recovery time, if any, for seniors. It is also very cost effective when comparing it to more invasive procedures and safe without the side effects of pharmaceuticals. Always consult with your doctor and consider chiropractic care for pain management and inflammation relief.

If you’re a senior who is equally concerned about getting a chiropractic adjustment as you are about falling or hurting yourself, talking with a chiropractor about your care is beneficial and educational. Chiropractic care has been shown to be very favorable for the senior population in treating neuromusculoskeletal health issues. A chiropractor is more than willing to address the contraindications and use specific manual techniques to ensure comfort.

Optimal Health Medical Fitness

If you’re ready to try a chiropractic treatment, schedule an appointment with us today!